Welcome to the first collection of two tab folders that covers much of the main applications, games, and utilities available for the Macintosh. It also has a healthy supply of generic folder subjects to fit most user's needs. This collection is presented in ResEdit format so that many folders could be included in the smallest amount of download time. While ResEdit is not for the uninitiated, it can be used to copy and paste graphic resources as long as you use proper precautions of working only on copies of files or documents that you will be using.
A simple way of copying just a few folders is to open the icon family editor window inside of ResEdit for each folder, select the entire icon area by dragging the square lasso tool across the icon window, then copy it. Return to the finder and use the Get Info command on the folder that you want to change. Click on the icon in the Get Info box until a square forms around the icon. Then simply select paste, and it will transfer the icon image you copied out of the ResEdit file to the folder you chose. If there is a large demand for these folders, I will reupload them in true folder format so that simple copy and pasting can be done (ala VRBrown's custom folders).
I do want to take a minute to ask those of you that have newer icons of specific programs or have commercial programs that are not represented here to drop me a note with a file that has just the icon family (icl8, ics8, icn#, and ics#) included. I would be glad to include them in the next collection of two tab folders. I can be reached on America Online as the "Toymaster".
This two tab folder collection is presented to compliment the previous upload of two tab system folders by Greyland in the Operating Systems Area of America Online. The original idea for a two tab folder came from Michael Lafferty of Eugene, Oregon. The first implementation of these folders was devised by Steve Ebener of Sprinfield, Oregon, and the colorization and this collection was designed by Harry Phillipo of Eugene. I would also like to thank all of the many users who have upload icon families of these applications, or I never would have been able to include them in this two tab folder collection. Finally, I would like to thank Vernon Brown for his encouragement in our discussions, and his wonderfull implementation of color 3D folders that inspired me to do this.